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Daily Newspaper
DCSF Contact Details:
Department for Children, Schools and Families Sanctuary Buildings,
Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT
Tel 0870 000 2288.
Email info@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
DfES Guidance on Assessment of Children in Need
Donaldson (Philips v.Brown)
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Education Act 1996, Section 437
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Education and Inspections Act 2006 Section 4 (aka s436A Education Act 1996)
Education and Inspections Act
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Learning and Skills Act 2000
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Independent Schools Standards Regulations 2003
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LA Response to EHE Guidelines Consultation
LEA Code of Practice
LEA Role, Local Government Act, 2006
Learning and Skills ACt 2000
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Local Authority Contact Information.
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NFER Research. Support for Children Educated at Home
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NFER. Some More Preliminary Findings on HE
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Ofsted Annual Review Assessment
Phelps Judgement...(suing LAs for breach of duty).
Police and Criminal Evidence Act
Police Training Session, Truancy Sweep Information, Bexley
Prospero Teaching - Various stories about Schools.
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Pupil Registration Regulations 1995
Pupil Registration Regulations 2006
Pupil Registration Regulations - Guidance
Pupil Registration Regulations:
RegulRegulation 12:
deals with information returns to the local authority. It now requires schools to provide their local authority with the details of pupils who fail to attend regularly or have 10 days of continuous unauthorised absence. It also requires schools to inform their local authority of the following deletions of compulsory school age pupils as soon as they become aware of the circumstances and before the deletion is made:
· the pupils’ parents have advised in writing that they are withdrawal their children to educate them at home;
· a pupil has ceased to attend the school and no longer lives or boards within travelling distance of the school;
· the school medical officer has certified that the pupils’ health mean they will not return to the school before reaching the end of their compulsory school age; and
· permanent exclusion.
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Schoolhouse/SCC Report on HE in Scotland
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Stop and Search Information - Home Office
Stop and Search Sean Gabb
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SEN Code of Practice
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act
Staffordshire HE Guidelines
Standards in Scottish Schools
Sweden's Smacking Ban, A Critique
They Work for You
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Truancy Sweep Guidelines
Truancy Sweep Guidelines - Archived Version
UK Human Rights Act 1998
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UN Convention on Rights of the Child
Unicef League Table on Maltreatment of Children in the Developed World
Welsh Guidance
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Wider Significance of Legislative Change
W. Poll
Write to Them
York Consultancy Research, Feasibility of Assessing Numbers of HEors
Your Rights.Org
- - - - - - - -
From EHE Guidelines: From the English EHE Guidelines, Section 2.6:
Local authorities have a statutory duty under section 436A of the Education Act 1996, inserted by the Education and Inspections Act 2006, to make arrangements to enable them to establish the identities, so far as it is possible to do so, of children in their area who are not receiving a suitable education. The duty applies in relation to children of compulsory school age who are not on a school roll, and who are not receiving a suitable education otherwise than being at school (for example, at home, privately or in alternative provision). The guidance issued makes it clear that the duty does not apply to children who are being educated at home.
Local authorities have no statutory duties in relation to monitoring the quality of home education on a routine basis. However, under Section 437 (1) of the Education Act 1996, local authorities shall intervene if it appears that parents are not providing a suitable education. This section states that:
"if it appears to a local education authority that a child of compulsory school age in their area is not receiving a suitable education, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise, they shall serve a notice in writing on the parent requiring him to satisfy them within the period specified in the notice that the child is receiving such education.
Section 347 (2) of the Act provides that the period shall not be less than 15 days beginning with the day on which the notice is served.
Prior to serving a notice under section 437 (1), local authorities are encouraged to address the situation informally. The most obvious course of action if the local authority has intormation that makes it appear that parents are not providing a suitable education, would be to ask parents for further information about the education they are providing. Such a request is not the same as a notice under section 437 (1) and is not necessarily a precursor for formal procedures. Parents are under no duty to respond to such enquiries, but it would be sensible for them to do so."
At 10:12 AM,
Unknown said…
this looks useful. thanks r. love, fiona
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